Sunday, 30th October, 2022 [Day 958]

Today was the day when the clocks go back one hour, so a certain amount of clock adjustment is required around the house. Some appliances such as our computers and the DAB radios fortunately adjust themselves but some do not so I have to trail around the living rooms to get our clocks adjusted. This went off without a hitch, after which I walked on down into Bromsgrove to the newspaper shop in order to pick up my copy of the Sunday Times. This having been done, Meg and I breakfast in front of the Laura Kuennsberg show where the Suella Braverman episode received a certain amount of attention but the interrogation could have been more intensive- after all, bringing back a Home Secretary who confessed to a breach of security after six days (when they themselves are in charge of the security services)is quite something, after all.

Yesterday, I had a bit of a brainwave and decided to undertake a bit of a reconfiguration. I took the mini hifi stero system which used to inhabit some space on a kitchen table and relocate it, and some of the attendant CD’s, into a quiet corner of one of our downstairs living rooms. This has made a pleasant area to relax if one wanted to just play CDs and/ or listen to ClassicFM in a different living space to the television. I have ensured that I have the CDs to hand but may well get them into an alphabetical order and record them in a little book. When I have some spare time, I will get the CDs catalogued so that we can lay our hands on what we may wish to listen to with the minimum of searching. I cooked and ate the Sunday lunch on my own as Meg was not feeling particularly well and took to her bed in the middle of the day. After some hours of rest she got up and I got her to try out my newly created music corner so that she could have some relaxation that did not involve manipulating the Sunday newspapers or watching the television.

The attack on the house of Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic Speaker of the House of Representatives in the US Congress continues to horrify. The assailant is reported to have cried out ‘Where is Nancy?’ after breaking into the Pelosi residence and subsequently fracturing the skull of her husband with a hammer. This ‘shout’ is rather redolent of what the mob said when the Capital Building was stormed and it was intent on locating both Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence, the then Vice President. Did they intend to kill them, if they had been caught, I wonder? I can predict that the Democrats will argue that this is what happens when political consensus breaks down and there is no middle ground in American politics any more. I would predict that the Republicans will argue that the intruder was mentally deranged and ‘nothing to do with them’. We will see in the days ahead, which account has most salience or ‘traction’ as the modern political analysts would say.

In the late afternoon, a middle aged couple knocked on our door and were seeking some information about our immediate environment as they were thinking about buying the bungalow across the communal green area. This was actually quite useful as I could give them first hand information about how the BioDisk system worked and how it is maintained by the Resident’s Association. They seemd quite impressed by what they had seen but they still had another property to view so how close they are to coming to a positive decision, I cannot really say. I gave the couple one of my business cards and indicated that I would be happy to answer any further queries that might have if they wanted to email me. In a case like this, I suspect the agents are not particularly helpful to would-be purchasers so I was happy to give them whatever information they needed in order to come to an informed decision. Of course, people look at properties in different ways but I think that one thing that impressed them was the amount of space afforded by the loft which is practically the same as the footprint of the entire house.

The political sphere today is full of gossip. In the Suella Braverman case, a lot depends on how quickly she reported the breach of the regulations as she tries to give the impression that this was fairly rapid. But an email has come to light in which some two hours after the original transgression she had asked the unintended recipient of the message to ‘ignore and then delete’ it. Whether the breach was self-reported or whether it was enjoined upn her by the Cabinet Secretary,amongst others, is a contended question. Meanwhile, in the Sunday Times, there are some jaw-dropping accounts of the behaviour of Liz Truss when she was Foreign Secretary. By all accounts, she made it her absolute and overriding priority to make a photo opportunity in which she figured prominently, even if, for example, this meant leaving the leader of New Zealand waiting to greet her on the airport’s tarmac whilst Liz Truss was scurrying around trying to get her photoshot taken.

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