Sunday, 29th March, 2020 [Day 13]

I always think that the day after the clocks is the first actual day of spring, whatever the date of the Spring equinox – it is nice to get an hour of extra light at the end of the day. Although it seems a big job to get all of the clocks in the house done. my son and I share the tasks between us so it is soon done. I just have to remember the alter the time in the car the next time I take it for a drive. This afternoon, we decided to devote the time to a good clean of the house, now that our weekly help is not available to us. I did a certain amount of tidying up before hoovering and now fully appreciate what a difficult job it must be week by week when I leave little piles of things on the floor. Nonetheless, as a result of tidying up, I have now discovered a calculator which had been temporarily mislaid, two books that were in places that I did not expect them be (although I intend to give both of them away) and some coloured electicians tape littering my study floor (I used it for bookbinding purposes when I run several pages of e.g. a manual and make it into a little book, properly stapled and with tape covering the spine if you really wanted to know!)

My son managed to get me a Sunday Times and an Observer which were very gratefully received. From the Sunday Times, I discovered the following:

UK COVID-19 tests per week:35,000 Deaths : 1000+

Germany COVID-19 tests per week: 500.000 (available to all who ask for them) Deaths: 400

Our populations are similar so that is quite a telling statistic! When challenged over the evident delay exhibited by the government before their volte-face, the response by various government ministers is always either complete prevarication or the mantra ‘we have always been guided by the science’ One wonders when this is all over and we have an official enquiry, what it will actually reveal (although I feel that we could probably write the enquiry report now)


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